Whew! My life sure has gotten busy! I'm already almost a year old. I'm pretty active and am really close to walking, but for now prefer getting from point A to point B by crawling or cruising. I'm a rather social creature and love to wave hello and good-bye, blow kisses, and point at objects when asked. I often ask, "What's that?" or "Who's that?" when I want someone to tell me about my surroundings. Today I'm going to talk about my very favorite toy, which may be misleading since the title of my post is IKEA. That is because the only place my favorite toy can be purchased is at the store, IKEA. When I was a tiny baby, Mama got me a mouse from IKEA. I love it so very much, that Mommy and Mama went back to IKEA to get many more of these little mousies in case I lose mine. The best part about the mice is that they can be thrown in the wash with my laundry and come out looking pretty clean and fluffy - not to mention that they cost less than $1 a piece! What a bargain! Because it is my favorite toy, Mama now gives them to all of her friends who are expecting. We also decided to give them out as favors at my birthday party to all my little friends who are my same age. Hopefully they will like them as much as I do. Mama was especially fond of the way these mice are made. The material is super soft (so much so that I like to rub the little mouse on my face while I close my eyes and enjoy my bottle) and the eyes are stitched on as opposed to having a separate piece that would be a choking hazard. Sometimes if you catch me when my mood is just right, I like to swing my mouse around in the air by the tail to make him fly. Above is a picture of how we spruced the mice up just a bit to make party favors (thankfully Mama's creativity from teaching youngsters for a number of years has paid off in my favor). They look as though they ate their way through a piece of swiss cheese.
Why else does IKEA warrant a post all on its own? Well, because where else can you purchase an awesome tunnel for less than $15? I love, love, love my tunnel! I love to crawl through it, lay on it, play peek a boo with it, read in it, and encourage my dog to go through it. It folds down to a very reasonable size to be put away, too (that's the reason why Mama and Mommy love it so much). Here is a picture of me reading in the tunnel (reading is one of my favorite things to do).

When I am older, I can't wait to test out the smalland they have at IKEA. It looks so neat! There are places to jump, a ball pit, and things to crawl on and through. But I have to wait until I am potty trained and can walk on my own. I was very excited to learn that kids eat for free on Tuesdays. Even though I had already had my lunch, I stopped in to the cafe and cleared a plate of meatballs and mashed potatoes. I can never resist a snack! So, my local readers out there - let me know when you want to chill at IKEA on a Tuesday. I'd be happy to join you!
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