Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Kiss For You!

Today we read a number of books, but I'd specifically like to discuss the book, A Kiss For You! by Joan Halub and Caroline Jayne Church. I'm not quite 3 months old, and while I was able to snuggle and listen to longer stories being read aloud to me just a few short weeks ago (such as The Art of Fielding and A Confederacy of Dunces - I read whatever my mamma reads),  I seem to have developed an aversion to sitting and listening to/looking at short stories. That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed the book, A Kiss For You! Why, you might ask? Well, this book has a fantastic moveable hand so for every time you turn the page, the hand can be moved to demonstrate how to blow a kiss, how to hold a teddy, or even how to high-five (something my moms like to do with me when I accomplish something exciting such as smack a toy or have a bowel movement). It really kept my attention. While the book doesn't rhyme, it does have simple and colorful pictures. I highly recommend this book for other babies my same age. I'm taking a big step here, but I'm also going to go ahead and predict that I will continue to enjoy this book as I get older. It may even be something I would be able to memorize and retell on my own.

Five out of five stars for this little book.

1 comment:

  1. And a special shout-out to my friend Charlie for giving me this little book on his most recent visit to Maryland.
